Science Practical was taken for std VIII. Practical was taken in science laboratory on the topic Metals and non metals .
In that practical was taken on the topic types of solutions and types of mixtures. Difference between homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures was shown using some materials which we use in daily life example salt and water solution , sugar plus water is an example of homogenous mixture.  Mud and water , oil and water is and example of heterogeneous mixture which do not have uniform composition.
Also practical on  was taken to differentiate between :
1 . colloids
2 .suspension
3.  solution

Students were given colloidal solution  of milk and water
suspension of flour and water
sugar and water solution
students were told to observe the 3 types and differentiate it based on the properties.
difference between the 3 was noted as told by students and than explained using different examples and characteristics of each were explained .

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