Technology literacy test


STUDENT TEACHER  :Rashmita Mhaldar
Class :SYBed
Subject : Science
School :KeertiVidyalaya, SiolimBardez  Goa

Technology Literacy is the ability to safely, responsibly, creatively, and effectively use COMPUTERS technology , communicate , develop the knowledge and skills to adapt to changing technologies and use technology to meet personal needs, interests, and learning styles. Various Technology literacy tests  are available online. Technology literacy test were based on the various terms of the computer system, technology literacy test was taken to test the knowledge about basic technology.

Technology literacy test were conducted for the students of standard 7th and 8th , these test was used to test the student knowledge about computer technology. Students were given multiple choice questions wherein they had to tick mark the correct alternative. After the test I discussed the answers with students and  explained them about it.

From the test we can conclude that 60 % of the student has a basic knowledge of computer system. And 30 % of the students were weak in technology, and they had not used computer much. Four options were given and students were supposed to tick the correct option. Than answers were discussed with the students

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